My final year project: Top 35 in Mitsubishi Electric Cup

Hey guys, Yeah! I am in my final year now and it's time for my final year project. I had too many ideas for my final year project (which I was planning from my first year) and also had few friends from the industry who were interested in helping me with it. Which lead to too much switching from one…

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Choosing right power supply for your project

Hey, guys, this is the second part of the series on the power supply if you haven't read the first part (which is required to understand this part) of the series click here. This is the simplest part of all in which we are going to see and understand power requirement of your project and opt Switch Mode power supply…

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Understanding Power Supply- Linear and Switch Mode Power Supply

In need for power supply in your upcoming project? Confused between Linear and Switch Mode Power supply? or just want to understand how they work? Let's find you some answers- This will be a three-part blog post Introduction Choosing Right Supply for your Project Design PART 1: Introduction It's a long post so get comfy, bring your favorite beverage, take a…

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Landed on an Internship

Yay! I got selected for an internship at FEV India a multinational automobile engineering company. First let's catch up, I had my final exams of this year in May and then I got busy with the logistics of application for internships online (hence no blog posts) at last I got shortlisted in couple of them, first one didn't work out…

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Read more about the article Completed! Mini Project – Self Balancing Robot (using Teensy 3.2)
3rd Year Project / Mini Project

Completed! Mini Project – Self Balancing Robot (using Teensy 3.2)

Hey fellas, Just completed my Mini Project- Self Balancing Robot it was awesome all my friends loved it, at the first go, none of them understood how it worked.  They were like, what does this robot (lying down) do ? Slide on the floor ? And when I turned it on and the robot started balancing and bobbling around like a baby,…

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